Cap Z, non-muscle
Cat. #: 8322-01
(Actin Binding Protein)
Cap Z, Capping protein (non-muscle isoform)
recombinant, human
Molecular mass
Protein description
Non-Muscle CapZ Heterodimer is a high-affinity actin filament capping protein essential for cytoskeletal organization and cellular dynamics. This heterodimeric protein consists of two subunits:
• α1-subunit (34 kDa)
• β2-subunit (32 kDa)
CapZ binds with nanomolar affinity to the barbed ends of actin filaments in a Ca²⁺-independent manner, effectively regulating actin filament growth and turnover. By capping the fast-growing barbed end, CapZ prevents the addition or dissociation of actin monomers, ensuring precise filament length control and stabilization.
Actin interaction
Ca++-insensitive barbed end capping protein.
Lyophilized, ready-to-use.
Quantity per unit
50 µg
150mM NaCl, 20mM Hepes pH 7.4, 1mM DTT and 5% sucrose, when reconstituted with 50 µl ultrapure water to obtain a 1.0 mg/ml solution.
Purity & Activity
Purity: >94% by scanning densitometry from Coomassie G-250 stained SDS-Gels.
Capping activity: F-actin (Cat.#:8101) containing 20% pyrene actin (Cat.#: 8112) was incubated with CapZ and diluted below the critical concentration. Depolymerisation was followed by fluorometry and compared to an actin reference without CapZ.
Capping was obtained at a molar ratio of 1 : 100 (CapZ : Actin). All proteins were used as supplied, i.e. without dialysis. G-Actin stock solutions were pre-spun 1h, 100.000xg, 4°C.
Purification notes
96% pure acc. to SDS-PAGE
Protein concentration
Determined by OD280 (0.1%=1.234).
Storage instructions
CapZ is stored at –70°C upon arrival will be stable in performance for at least 6 months from the date of purchase. The solubilized protein is kept on ice and should be stored at -20°C in glycerol orCryoProtect (Cat.#: 6011-01). Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.
Shipping conditions
At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.
For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or Therapeutical Applications.
CAS no.
Further Information
Product DataSheet
Material and Safety Data Sheet
Sequence on NCBI (alpha-1 SU)
Sequence on NCBI (beta-2 SU)
Structure on NCBI (PDB ID: 1IZN)
Myosin-II activity generates a dynamic steady state with continuous actin turnover in a minimal actin cortex
Sonal, Kristina A. Ganzinger, Sven K. Vogel, Jonas Mücksch, Philipp Blumhardt and Petra Schwille
bioRxiv preprint first posted online May. 2, 2018; doi:
Yamashita A, Maeda K, Maeda Y
Embo J. (2003) 22 p.1529