Product DataSheet
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) ATTO700
Antibody produced in Rabbit, affinity purified
Cat. # 2422-1MG
Product name
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO700
Target species
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO700 is specifically suited for high resolution microscopy, due to its high photostability and strong fluorescence quantum yield. The antibody is specifically suited for all multiplex approaches and used for all immunobased applications, including live cell techniques, since it contains no preservatives.
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO700 (H+L) is an antigen-specific antibody. Affinity purification removed essentially all Rabbit serum proteins, including immunoglobulins not specifically binding to Mouse IgG. Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG is conjugated to ATTO700 (Abs.max. 700 nm; Em.max. 719 nm) and further purified by gel filtration.
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO700 (H+L) is shipped in unit sizes of 1.0 mg as a lyophilized powder, shipped at room temperature. To reconstitute the antibody before use, a glycerol buffer is included for convenience. This allows to re-freeze the antibody after use at -20°C, to keep the quality and/or to prepare aliquots, which can be stored at -20°C and used in succession.
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO700 (H+L), Immunofluorescence: 1:500-1:1500, Degree of labeling (DOL) : 2-9, Unconjugated dye ≤5% of total fluorescence.
Optical Properties
λex 700nm, λem 719nm
Nominal concentration
2 mg/ml (after reconstitution with buffer)
1.0 mg Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) ATTO700
1.0 ml Glycerol buffer (to reconstitute the lyophilized antibody)
50% glycerol, 0.01 M sodium phosphate, 0.1 M sodium chloride, pH 7.4.
Purification notes
Column affinity purified.
Storage instructions
Store as glycerol stock at -20°C. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.
Shipping conditions
Shipped at ambient temperature.
For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or Therapeutical Applications.
CAS no.
Further Information
Product DataSheet
Material and Safety Data Sheet
Table of Dyes and Light Sources
Catalogue: ATTO Secondary Antibodies
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