Actin-Toolkit ELISA
All-in-one: Direct or indirect ELISA assays.
G-actin and F-actin assays ready-to-use!
The Actin-Toolkit ELISA is used to analyse ligand interactions with G-Actin or F-actin by enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. Purified proteins or other ligands, semi-purified ligands or crude extracts can be used for the assays. Thus the Toolkit is suited for quantitative analyses or to determine actin-binding at various concentrations e.g. with crude extracts.
The Actin-Toolkits ELISA is available either with biotinylated α-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle or with biotinylated α-actin from bovine cardiac muscle.
Actin-Toolkits are all-in-one applications for:
- fail-safe handling of actin assays,
- saving your time and
- maximizing your research efforts.
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