F-Actin Buffers
Fresh buffers are the only solutions for high protein performance!
Suitable buffers are vital for your proteins.
F-actin buffers from Hypermol are made from analytical grade chemicals in ultrapure water, to meet your high demands.
Here you find ready-to-use buffer with components of short shelf-life (ATP, DTT) for optimal conditions. As an example, the actin polymerization buffer PolyMix is supplied as a one step 10x stock solution: add 1ml of ultrapure water and mix 1:10 v/v with G-actin. PolyMix is used to dilute F-actin and ligands, providing conditions meeting the demands of in vitro works with actin filaments.
For high protein performance & convenient, time-saving bench work.
Buffers from Hypermol are made of purest reagents in Milli-Q™ water, as described in our publications.
Validated product quality with Satisfaction Guarantee!
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