Secondary Antibodies

ATTO-conjugated Secondary Antibodies

New generation antibodies: Superior photo-stability
& strong fluorescence !

The quality of secondary antibodies is essential in producing superior results in immunofluorescence. Hypermol offers secondary antibodies conjugated to the novel, high quality Atto dyes for detecting primary antibodies. 

Atto-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability. For this reason they are suited for all kinds of immunofluorescence microscopy and mostly also for high resolution techniques.

Compared to established fluorescent antibodies, Atto antibodies show a remarkably prolonged fluorescence, as a result of the outstanding features of the dyes, as demonstrated by two examples: 

1.  Atto 647N fluoresces in aqueous solution twice as strong as Cy5TM.
2.  under identical conditions Atto 647N lasts up to 100 times longer than dyes like Cy5TMand Alexa 647TM

Atto-conjugated IgGs from Hypermol are affinity purified and quality-control tested by UV-VIS spectroscopy and immunocytochemistry. They come as convenient kits with a well characterized, epitope mapped actin antibody for reference, double staining or ligand analysis, with a detailed description in the product documentation of each kit.

goat anti mouse 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm          *** long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplexing

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
279,00 EUR
goat anti rabbit 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm         *** long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplexing

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies, characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
279,00 EUR
goat anti mouse 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm          ***  long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplexing

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
285,00 EUR
goat anti mouse 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm          *** long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplexing

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
279,00 EUR
goat anti mouse 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm          *** long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplex immunoassays

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
285,00 EUR
Goat Anti-Mouse IgM ATTO430LS (H+L)
λex 436 nm | λem 545 nm          *** long stokes shift***

High affinity and strong fluorescence 

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability. 
279,00 EUR
goat anti mouse 430
λex 436nm, λem 545nm          *** long stokes shift *** 

High affinity and strong fluorescence for multiplexing

ATTO-labeled antibodies belong to the new generation of fluorescent antibodies characterized by their exceptional fluorescence intensity and superior photostability.
292,00 EUR
1 to 20 (from a total of 136)

Secondary Antibodies from Hypermol®

Secondary antibodies belong to the most effective and widely used research tools, since they have been established in science as conjugates, acting as reporter. For immunofluorescence the secondary antibodies are conjugated to fluorescent dyes. Many fluorescent dyes are prone to photobleaching. This phenomenon can only be solved by using highly photostable dyes.    Hypermol offers fluorescent secondary antibodies conjugated to the novel new generation ATTO dyes, to offer the best possible fluorescent antibodies to our customers. Their exceptional bright and stable fluorescence with little triplet formation makes them so suited for super resolution microscopy.

Although used for state-of-the-art techniques, we cannot emphasize enough, that our ATTO secondary antibodies perform uniquely in epifluorescence. Our comparisons with all renowned dyes have proofed the superiority of the fluorescence stability.

Antibodies for Research - a variety of colours offered by Hypermol 

You wish to order secondary antibodies online? Hypermol offers strong fluorescent secondary antibodies covering the whole spectrum used for fluorescence microscopy. Our most popular secondary antibodies are Goat Anti-Mouse IgG 490LS, resp. Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG 490LS with a very long stokes shift of ~165nm. All secondary antibodies, like Goat Anti-Mouse IgG ATTO488, are perfectly suited for fluorescence microscopy, but also for immunoblotting, cytometry, cytochemistry or immunoprecipitation. All ATTO fluorescent secondary can be selected individually for your research project. They always come lyophilized in a kit with glycerol buffer for reconstitutuon.

Actin Staining and Accessories for Fluorescence Microscopy

Find solutions and accessories for fluorescence microscopy by browsing through the Hypermol e-shop. From easy staining kits for cellular actin filaments to blocking solution for fluorescence microscopy or embedding medium with or without Hoechst nuclear counterstain.

Say Goodbye to photon induced sample damage!

If you have a problem with fading fluorescence, we have the anti-fading solution: FluMaXx.
A unique oxygen scavenger prolonging the fluorescence by more than 400 times, developed by Hypermol.

FluMaXx is a powerful oxygen scavenger for all types of fluorescence microscopy from single molecule imaging to cell imaging.

Antibodies for Research in Premium Quality to Buy from Hypermol 

Our quality is your guarantee. We have chosen this slogan not only because we validate the quality of the products we make. Much more we do know that high quality is essential for the success of your research. Hypermol is a renowned partner, valued for its excellent product quality and engaged services.

Antibodies from Hypermol are reliable, show a high and selective affinity and are produced under high quality standards.

Your contact is always welcome. Get easy support if you wish to find the best antibody for your project.

Order your antibodies now from your protein experts.


The brand Hypermol®is a registered trademark.