Actin-Toolkit Crystallography

Smart Crystallization!

Crystallization of G-actin alone or in complex with actin binding proteins with with Non-Polymerizing Actin, is a smart alternative to chemically modified actins like TMR-actin. Non-Polymerizing Actin is alpha skeletal muscle actin, enzymatically cleaved between Gly42/Val43, inactivating an essential monomer-monomer interaction site. This renders actin unpolymerizable in the presence of Ca++, but still polymerizable in the presence of Mg++





Actin-Toolkits are all-in-one applications for:

  •  fail-safe handling of actin assays,
  •  saving your time and 
  •  maximizing your research efforts.

Actin-Toolkit Crystallography
  • Co-crystallization of actin binding proteins with Non-Polymerizable Actin;
  • Stabilization of ligands during crystallization by complex formation;
  • Analysis of conformational changes upon actin binding;
  • Suitable for biochemical applications;
1.895,00 EUR
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