Buffers & Staining kits

Fresh buffers are the only solutions for high protein performance!
Suitable buffers are vital for your proteins.

Buffers from Hypermol are made from analytical grade chemicals in ultrapure water, to meet your high demands. 

Here you find ready-to-use buffer with components of short shelf-life (ATP, DTT) for optimal conditions. 
As an example, the actin polymerization buffer PolyMix is supplied as a one step 10x stock solution: add 1ml of ultrapure water and mix 1:10 v/v with G-actin. PolyMix is used to dilute F-actin and ligands, providing conditions meeting the demands of in vitro works with actin filaments.

For high protein performance & convenient, time-saving bench work.  

Buffers from Hypermol are made of purest reagents in Milli-Q water, as described in our publications. 

Validated product quality with Satisfaction Guarantee! 


GTP | 100mM, pH 7.4
Add 1.0ml of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM ATP, 5.0mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.4. 
42,00 EUR
GTPγS | 100mM, pH 7.4
Add 25 µl of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM GTPγS, 50 mM Hepes titrated with NaOH to pH 7.4. 
79,00 EUR
ATP Actin Buffer , 1L (10x G-Actin buffer )
ATP Actin Buffer is a G-actin buffer to dialyse G-actin and/or G-actin ligands. 

Essential G-actin buffer to:
  • maintains the G-actin state;
  • used for dialysis of actin and ligands in actin assays;
from 182,00 EUR
ADP | 100mM, pH 7.4 - 2x 250µl

To prepare a fresh 100 mM ADP stock solution:

  1. Add 250 µL of ultrapure water to each tube.
  2. The resulting solution will contain 100 mM ADP and 20 mM HEPES, pre-titrated with NaOH to a pH of 7.4 for optimal stability and performance.

This formulation ensures the solution is ready for immediate use without requiring further adjustments.

76,00 EUR
KMEI Buffer (10x) - 4x1.0ml
Multipurpose buffer to:
  • use for many cytoskeletal proteins;
  • to polymerize actin;
from 51,00 EUR
AMP | 100mM, pH 7.4 - 2x 1.0 ml
Add 1.0 ml of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM AMP, 20 mM Hepes titrated with NaOH to pH 7.4. 
58,00 EUR
CS-LB (Cytoskeleton LysisBuffer)
CS-LB is used to:
  • prepare cell lysates for cytoskeleton research;
  • support the stability of cytoskeletal proteins;
  • prevent proteolytic degradation; 
from 146,00 EUR
CS-LSB (Cytoskeleton Low Salt Buffer)
CS-LSB is used to:
  • Washing and low salt buffering of cell lysate derived preparations;
from 98,00 EUR
CS-MSB (Cytoskeleton Medium Salt Buffer)
CS-MSB is used to:
  • washing and buffer cell lysate derived preparations;
  • support the stability of cytoskeletal proteins; 
from 98,00 EUR
FAB-P is used for Biacore SPR to:
  • support ligand binding to F-actin;
  • maintain the filamentous state of actin;
  • prevent denaturing of actin;
72,00 EUR
GAB-P is used for Biacore SPR to:
  • support ligand binding to G-actin;
  • maintain the G-state of actin;
  • prevent denaturing of actin;
67,00 EUR
CryoProtect plus DTT (liquid protein freezing medium) -10ml
CryoProtect is used to store soluble proteins at -20°C, with maximum preservation of biological activity. Ready-to-use. 
from 71,00 EUR
ATPγS | 100mM, pH 7.4
Add 25 µl of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM ATPγS, 50 mM Hepes titrated with NaOH to pH 7.4. 
79,00 EUR
MotorMix II (for Myosin II ) - 100ml
High ionic strength buffer for soluble myosin II. DTT and ATP are additionally provided with the buffer to be freshly added before use.
97,00 EUR
MotorMix I (for Myosin II filaments) - 100ml
Physiological buffer to maintain or induce myosin II filaments. DTT and ATP are provided with the buffer to be freshly added before use. 
93,00 EUR
CS-HSB (Cytoskeleton High Salt Buffer)
CS-HSB is used to:
  • treatment of cell lysate derived preparations under highly stringent conditions;
from 111,00 EUR
CryoProtect HS plus DTT (liquid freezing medium) - 10ml
CryoProtect is used for long-term storage of myosin and NEM-Myosin at -20°C, with maximum preservation of biological activity. Ready-to-use. 
from 77,00 EUR
ATP-Sucrose Cushion
SucroseCushions prevent non-specific cosedimentation of proteins, which were not bound to F-actin in high-speed centrifugation assays. 
34,00 EUR
1 to 20 (from a total of 32)