ProteinLabelling Kits

Enlighten your protein:
simple, fast and 100% safe - or just Tornado-SMI®!

-    Suited for all proteins;
-    Complete with all reagents needed;
-    Ready-to-use;

Tornado-SMI® was developed for simple, fast and safe protein labelling and is especially suited for high resolution imaging techniques. Tornado-SMI®  is a complete kit for protein labelling at fluorescent excitation wavelengths of 500, 550 and 646nm.

Reagents from Hypermol are made of ultrapure components for best performance. 

Validated product quality with Satisfaction Guarantee!

® Tornado-SMI is a registered trademark of HYPERMOL, Germany.

Tornado smi 500
λex 502nm, λem 511nm

Fast and guaranteed safe protein labelling for yellow fluorescent conjugates, developed for single molecule imaging.
1x kit
442,00 EUR
Tornado SMI 550
λex 550nm, λem 565nm

Fast and guaranteed safe protein labelling for orange fluorescent conjugates, developed for single molecule imaging.
1x kit
442,00 EUR
TORNADO-SMI 646 - Protein Labelling Kit
λex 646nm, λem 665nm

Fast and guaranteed safe protein labelling for red fluorescent conjugates, developed for single molecule imaging.
1x kit
442,00 EUR
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