
Accessories for cell and cell-free research.
FluoProtect + Hoechst 33258 (2x1.0ml)
One-step nuclear staining simply by embedding. Liquid medium containing the nuclear stain Hoechst 33258. Polymerizes within 12-20h.
28,00 EUR
FluoProtect (10ml)
Ready-to-use. High efficient antifading mounting medium for fluorescence microscopy with 7-24h drying time.
48,00 EUR
Ready-to-use solution containing innovative polymers used to block unspecific binding sites. Significantly reduces the background of immunofluorescence specimen.
41,00 EUR
λex 500nm, λem 526nm

Ultraclear, high efficient antifading embedding medium with a brilliant orange nuclear counterstain for DNA & RNA. Suited for all immunostainings prepared for fluorescence microscopy. 
61,00 EUR
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