Actin-Trialkit G-Actin Binding
alpha Actin, Cardiac Muscle (Bovine)
Cat. # T8200-01
Proof of ligands biological activity by G-actin binding;
Functional analysis of ligands binding to G-actin;
Analysis of pharmacological compounds, proteins or lipids altering ligand-G-actin-interaction;
Product name
Target species
Cardiac muscle alpha actin, bovine
Molecular mass
Triallkit description
Binding of ligands to G-actin proves the biological activity of the ligand and identifies the ligand to be a cardiac G-actin binding protein. The assays of this kit are based on the spin-down analysis of ligands bound to G-actin. For this purpose G-actin has been conjugated to Sepharose™ beads (ActinBeads) which are ready-to-use.
ActinBeads are pelleted at low centrifugal forces and ligands bound to G-actin will be specifically co-precipitated. SDS-PAGE analysis will reveal binding of G-actin binding ligands. The Trialkit is further used for assays ranging from the determination of binding stoichiometries using gelsolin as reference, up to variation of buffer conditions to possibly optimize G-actin binding.
The kit contains 1x250µl ActinBeads (50% slurry) prepared from rabbit skeletal muscle alpha actin (Cat. # T8020-01) or bovine cardiac alpha actin (Cat. # T8200-01) and buffers to keep actin functional. The Trialkit Manual describes the use of ActinBeads. We guarantee a stable performance of the kit components when stored at -70°C upon arrival for 6 months.
>99% by scanning densitometry.
Lyophilized, ready-to-use.
Kit content
1x250 µl ActinBeads (50% slurry, lyophilized Sepharose™ conjugated actin);
2x50 ml MonoMix (lyophilized G-actin ATP-buffer);
1x Trialkit Manual G-Actin Binding;
Actin Buffer
2mM Tris-Cl pH 8.2, 0.4mM ATP, 0.5mM DTT, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1mM NaN3 and 0.3% disaccharides, when reconstituted with ultrapure water to obtain a 1mg/ml solution.
Related products
For dilution of G-actin or exchange of ligand buffer into actin compatible buffer, MonoMix (Cat. #.: 5100-0*) may be used. In the absence of nucleators, the polymerization of G-actin is initiated by PolyMix (Cat.#: 5000-0*).
Purification notes
Purified from bovine cardiac muscle, GPC.
Protein concentration
Determined by the Biuret method.
Storage instructions
We guarantee stable performance of the kit components for 6 months when stored at -70°C upon arrival. Solubilized G-actin is kept on ice and should be used within 1 week. Avoid refreezing.
Shipping conditions
At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.
For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or Therapeutical Applications.
CAS no.
51005-14-2 (Actin)
Sepharose is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
Further Information
Material and Safety Data Sheet
Protein Sequence on NCBI